Upper Boggy Creek Trail Windshield Survey
Project Name: Upper Boggy Creek Trail Windshield Survey
Project Location: Austin, Travis County, Texas
Project Type: Historic Resources Survey
Owner: Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) and City of Austin
Hicks & Company historians prepared a Windshield Survey Report in accordance with TxDOT guidelines for a proposed hike and bike trail along Boggy Creek in Austin, Texas. The City of Austin project was federally funded through a Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (CAMPO) grant and required coordination under Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) and Section 4(f) of the Department of Transportation Act. The project area was adjacent to the historic Downs Field, a Recorded Texas Historic Landmark (RTHL) significant for its association with African American baseball in Austin. Historians conducted a windshield-level field survey for historic resources, established a historic context, made eligibility recommendations, evaluated project effects to historic resources, and prepared a windshield survey report. Fifteen historic-age resources were identified. Two resources, Downs Field and the adjacent Mabson Field, were recommended NRHP eligible, and the project was determined to have no adverse effect to these resources. Texas Historical Commission (THC) concurrence was received in May 2017.