City of San Marcos Historic Resources Survey
Project Name: City of San Marcos Historic Resources Survey
Project Location: San Marcos, Hays County, Texas
Project Type: Historic Resources Survey
Owner: City of San Marcos Planning and Development Services; Texas Historical Commission (THC)
Hicks & Company historians managed a large-scale historic resources survey of over 2,000 properties for the City of San Marcos. The survey area included downtown San Marcos, the City’s seven local historic districts, and the East Guadalupe and Victory Gardens neighborhoods. Historians conducted archival research, developed historic contexts, conducted field surveys, and evaluated resources for National Register of Historic Places (NRHP), local landmark, and historic district eligibility. Historians prepared a Public Outreach Plan with recommendations for public involvement and a Research Design to establish relevant historic contexts. Historians also participated in several public meetings throughout the survey initiative to solicit public feedback and provide status updates on the survey. Due to the size of the survey area, the survey was conducted in two phases. A Phase 1 report was submitted to the THC in January 2019, and a Phase 2 report was submitted to the THC in June 2019. The reports included reevaluations of three previous historic resources surveys conducted in San Marcos in the 1990s, recommendations of preservation priority and potential local landmark and NRHP eligibility, and phased guidelines to assist the City in making informed decisions about historic resources and future planning efforts. Additional deliverables included a THC Access survey database, survey forms for all high priority resources, a survey inventory table, and a GIS survey database. The survey was funded through the Certified Local Government (CLG) grant program of the THC. THC concurrence on the final survey report was received in September 2019.