City of Round Rock Sidewalks Historic Resources Survey
Project Name: City of Round Rock Sidewalks Historic Resources Survey
Project Location: Round Rock, Williamson County, Texas
Project Type: Historic Resources Survey
Owner: Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) and City of Round Rock
Hicks & Company historians prepared a TxDOT Research Design and a Historic Resources Survey Report for proposed sidewalk improvements in historic downtown Round Rock. The project was federally funded through a Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (CAMPO) grant and subject to Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA). Responsibilities included background research, developing a historic context, providing National Register eligibility recommendations, and evaluating project effects to historic resources. Two resources were recommended eligible for listing in the National Register, and the project was determined to have no adverse effects to historic resources. Texas Historical Commission (THC) concurrence was received in July 2016.