Henrietta Safe Routes to School Historic Resources Survey
Project Name: Henrietta Safe Routes to School Historic Resources Survey
Project Location: Henrietta, Clay County, Texas
Project Type: Historic Resources Survey
Owner: City of Henrietta
Hicks & Company historians conducted a historic resources survey for the City of Henrietta through a Safe Routes to School grant administered by the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT). The Safe Routes to School grant program improves walking and biking routes to elementary and junior high schools. The grant required coordination under Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) to assess the project’s impacts to historic resources. Because the approximately 4.5 miles of new sidewalks and other improvements traversed many historic-age residential neighborhoods and Henrietta’s courthouse square, Hicks & Company worked closely with the project grant manager, GrantWorks, Inc., as well as TxDOT and the City to coordinate compliance with Section 106. Hicks & Company historians documented over 100 historic-age resources, including six individually eligible resources and three eligible historic districts. Project impacts to eligible resources were assessed, and project plans were modified to avoid adverse impacts to these resources. The final report was submitted in January 2013.