Air Quality Analysis
We provide quantitative and qualitative analyses for mobile source air toxics (MSAT), carbon monoxide (CO) modeling, and particulate matter (PM) hot spot analysis for federal and state transportation projects.
Community Impact Assessment
A Community Impact Assessment (CIA) is an iterative process to evaluate the potential effects of a project on a community and its quality of life. It is an integral part of incorporating community considerations into the planning and project development of major infrastructure projects. We typically follow FHWA’s community impact assessment: A quick reference for transportation, or other federal or state agency guidelines as appropriate. Particularly complex assessments, like the one we conducted for the Harbor Bridge Project in Corpus Christi, Texas, also includes an evaluation of consistency with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act.
Public Involvement
Public involvement and community outreach includes multi-level efforts to conduct collaborative panel discussions, open houses, public meetings, public hearings and traffic noise workshops.
Key services include:
- Preparing public meeting notices and materials (including graphics)
- Media relations
- Elected Official, agency, and key stakeholder coordination
- Large scale mailings to affected property owners
- Public comment facilitation
- Preparation of meeting summary reports
- Public meeting and public hearing presentations and organization
Environmental Training
Hicks & Company will work collaboratively with you and your team to provide training in any of our disciplines.
Just a few examples of previous experience:
We worked with the TxDOT Environmental Affairs Division to develop a 12-module training program addressing air quality topics, including: air quality laws, regulations and policy; Texas air quality issues and national standards; the State Implementation Plan; NAAQS attainment status; traffic air quality analysis for carbon monoxide; Mobile Source Air Toxics analysis (MSAT); particulate matter hotspot analysis; and transportation conformity rules.
We provided training for the Texas National Guard on facility-specific Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasure (SPCC) Plans and spill response at 37 operational Texas Army National Guard facilities around the state.
We worked with the San Antonio Water System (SAWS) to train agents to recognize four state-listed species (Texas horned lizard, Texas tortise, Timber (canebrake) rattlesnake, and Texas indigo snake).
Expert Witness Testimony
Hicks & Company professionals can provide qualified expert in-person or written witness testimony including, but not limited to, research, field work and analyses, habitat and water resource assessments, in-depth reviews of previous studies, interviews with community members and city officials, visual impact simulations, and application of experience and professional judgment to prepare draft and final direct written cross rebuttal testimony.
Just a couple examples of previous experience:
Hicks & Company prepared expert witness testimony relating to the construction of a Type I Municipal Solid Waste Landfill in the city of Hempstead, Waller County, Texas. The testimony focused on the existence and extent of U.S. jurisdictional waters in and around the proposed landfill site, and potential associated ecological impacts; as well as an evaluation of the socioeconomic and land use compatibility of the site in relation to the demographic composition, and urban planning and economic development trajectories of the cities of Hempstead and neighboring Prairie View.
Expert Witness testimony was provided by Hicks & Company on behalf of Uranium Energy Corporation on land use, wetlands, and threatened and endangered Species before the State Office of Administrative Hearings (SOAH) Examiner.