La Belle Artifact Illustrations
Project Name: La Belle Artifact Illustrations
Project Location: Matagorda Bay, Texas
Project Type: Archeological Services
Owner: Texas Historical Commission
Hicks & Company was responsible for producing stippled, hand-drawn illustrations of selected artifacts from the La Belle shipwreck that sank off the Texas coast in 1686. The drawings will be used in an upcoming technical volume publication on the excavation and artifact analysis of the data recovered from the shipwreck by the Texas Historical Commission during a major archeological investigation in 1997. The drawings, which vary in size, are all pen-and-ink illustrations that better represent characteristics of the artifacts that cannot be properly illustrated through photography. Find out more on the La Belle shipwreck project on the Texas Historical Commission’s website.
La Belle: The Archaeology of a Seventeenth-Century Vessel of New World Colonization (Ed Rachal Foundation Nautical Archaeology Series) was published in March of 2017.