Bastrop State Park

Project Name: Archeological Inventory of Bastrop State Park

Project Location: Bastrop County, Texas

Project Type: Archeological Survey

Owner: Texas Parks and Wildlife Department

In Spring 2012, Hicks & Company conducted an intensive archeological survey of portions of Bastrop and Buescher State Parks in Bastrop County, covering a total area of 1,650 acres of block survey and 22.5 miles of linear survey. During the investigations, Hicks & Company recorded 23 new archeological sites and augmented the boundaries of three previously recorded sites. Work was performed for the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department with the primary goal of inventorying current locations and conditions of all known and previously unrecorded archeological resources. In addition to inventory-level survey, mechanical and expanded shovel tests were conducted at differing locales within the park to be utilized in a geoarcheological model intended to aid in interpretation and evaluation of depositional integrity and site potential within Bastrop and Buescher State Parks.