Intensive Archeological Survey Alliance Water Infrastructure Project
Project Name: Intensive Archeological Survey Alliance Regional Water Authority Phase 1B Raw Water Infrastructure Project
Project Location: Caldwell County, Texas
Project Type: Environmental Investigations
Owner: Alliance Regional Water Authority
In Winter 2019, Hicks & Company conducted an intensive archeological survey of four proposed water well sites and associated infrastructure within a planned well field in southeast Caldwell County. Survey efforts included a surface examination of all proposed project impact areas augmented with systematic subsurface testing. Surface investigations discovered no archeological materials or standing historical buildings or structures. Subsurface investigations involved the excavation of shovel tests throughout the project area, which were negative for archeological materials. Hicks & Company recommended that the proposed project would not affect any archeological historic properties eligible for the National Register of Historic Places (NHRP) or sites warranting State Antiquities Landmark designation and additional investigations were not necessary. Project clearance was granted by the Texas Historical Commission (THC) in May 2019. Additional environmental services were performed to complete an environmental constraints evaluation and identification of required permitting for the Alliance Water Well Field and associated water collection pipelines, access roads, and utilities. The environmental constraints evaluation included determination of potential impacts on Waters of the U.S. (WOTUS) and endangered and threatened species, associated USACE permitting requirements, and a site assessment for the potential presence of hazardous materials. An Environmental Data Form (EDF) was submitted with supporting federal and state agency coordination documentation as required by the Texas Water Development Board (TWDB) for state funding of the project.