North Tarrant Express Segments 3A, 3B & 3C

Project Name: North Tarrant Express Segments 3A, 3B & 3C

Project Location: Fort Worth, Tarrant County,Texas

Project Type: Comprehensive Development Agreement/Concession Facility

Owner: TxDOT

Hicks & Company served as Lead Verifier of environmental requirements for the Independent Engineer. This project involved providing independent audit services to verify comprehensive environmental compliance and facility agreement contract requirements, for the benefit of both owner (TxDOT) and developer (North Tarrant Express Mobility Partners). Verifications were performed for multiple phases of the project, including Design, Pre-Construction, Construction, and Operation and Maintenance. In addition to performing formal audits and following through on corrective actions to address findings, Hicks & Company’s auditor performed regular inspections of construction storm water BMPs to verify SW3P implementation and TCEQ Construction General Permit compliance. Also during the Construction Phase, audits were performed to verify environmental requirements for ecology and migratory birds, USACE Section 404 permit compliance, and to verify adherence to EPIC Sheets, the project’s Environmental Compliance and Management Plan, Construction Monitoring Plan, Environmental Management System, Recycling Plan, Environmental Protection Training Program and the Hazardous Materials Management Plan.