US 183A Toll Road
Project Name: US 183A Toll Road
Project Location: Cedar Park, Williamson County, Texas
Project Type: Environmental Compliance Management
Owner: Central Texas Regional Mobility Authority
Subsequent to the completion of the EIS and ROD for US 183A, Hicks & Company served as part of the Environmental Compliance Management team under the Comprehensive Development Agreement (CDA). Hicks & Company was responsible for oversight and independent reporting on project development activities with regard to environmental compliance and adherence with the project’s environmental commitments. Project responsibilities included field monitoring of construction activities for potential impacts to environmental resources, which generally included cultural resources, the Edwards Aquifer Recharge Zone, karst zones and caves, wildlife habitats, endangered species, water quality, erosion control, and hazardous materials. Other responsibilities included documentation and tracking of environmental compliance and issues, timely mitigation of issues, quality assurance review of environmental documents, client updates on environmental issues, and documentation and tracking employee and subcontractor environmental training activities.