Georgetown Geologic Assessment
Project Name: Georgetown Geologic Assessment
Project Location: Williamson County, Texas
Project Type: Geologic Assessment
Owner: Modeco, LLC Engineering and Construction Solutions
Hicks & Company provided Geologic Assessment (GA) services for a development project located on the corner of Airport Road (FM 190) and Cavu Road in Georgetown. The site-specific GA was integrated into a Water Pollution Abatement Plan as required by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) to regulate development over the Edwards Aquifer. Work conducted in the preparation of the GA included reviewing published reports and maps of area geology and conducting a field assessment of the project area using methods outlined in the TCEQ instructions to Geologists for Geologic Assessments on the Edwards Aquifer Recharge/Transition Zones. Field activities included a survey of the ground surface for the presence of geologic and manmade features which were then evaluated for sensitivity (the potential for hydraulic interconnectedness between the surface and the Edwards Aquifer) and the potential for rapid infiltration to the subsurface. Project deliverables included a narrative description of site geology; a soils description; geologic site map; a soils map; a geologic assessment table; a stratigraphic column; and site photographs.