Travis Audubon Blair Preserve Volunteer Work Day 4/20/19
Hicks & Company geologist Pat Frost volunteered at the Travis Audubon Blair Preserve in April 2019. Over twenty people volunteered, most from the Longhorn Stream Team, Travis Audubon, or Capital Area Master Naturalists. Pat led a team, identified Poison Ivy, and directed the removal of invasive Ligustrum from along the perimeter fence for future maintenance projects. Cut Ligustrum was stacked for future mulching and any remaining stumps painted with weed killer. Other volunteers put mulch on trails, hauled a new rain barrel up the hill, and much more was accomplished while meeting new people and enjoying the day at this ever transforming sanctuary located in east Austin.
To learn more about the preserve, please visit:
Blair Woods Nature Preserve Website
Travis Audubon Home Page – landing page