Bexar Co. Gen-1ELMENDORF LAKE PARK IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT WINS APWA PROJECT OF THE YEAR AWARD SAN ANTONIO— The American Public Works Association (APWA) selected the Elmendorf Lake Park Improvements Project as theater Texas Chapter Project of the Year for 2017. The APW’s Awards Program was established to recognize outstanding individuals, groups, and chapters representing the best in the public works profession. The APWA Banquet where the Elmendorf Lake Park Improvements Project was recognized was held on June 15, 2017 at the Menger Hotel. Bexar County and the City of San Antonio leveraged financial resources to ensure lake water quality and park improvements were coordinated while the San Antonio Rive Authority (SARA)served as the project manager for the design and construction. Elmendorf Lake Park celebrated a grand re-opening on January 21, 2017. The City of San Antonio, Bexar County, SARA and Our Lady of the Lake University joined community leaders and residents to celebrate the re-opening of a $15.4 million investment to restore Elmendorf Lake Park. “Elmendorf Lake Park has a long and storied history within the community but was showing its age; now the redevelopment has brought new life both though ecological restoration and through recreational enhancement making the park more popular than ever.” said SARA General Manager Suzanne Scott. “We are proud that the Texas Chapter of the APWA has recognized the local partnership that supported this important project for the local community through its project of the year award.” The historic park and surrounding area received a comprehensive redevelopment that extends from 19th Street to Commerce Street. Elmendorf Lake Park boasts many Low Impact Development (LID) features that work to protect water quality and preserve the park‟s natural Therese Kenner Intergovernmental Relations Coordinator (210) 302-3296 For more information contact: 100 East Guenther P.O. Box 839980 San Antonio, Texas78283-9980 210-227-1373 voice 210-227-4323 fax – MORE – habitat. Rain gardens, wetlands, bio-filtration swales and aeration bubblers will reduce surface runoff of contaminants and sediment into the lake and oxygenate the water to improve water quality and the habitat for wildlife. Expanded bus stops, pedestrian bridges, a fishing pier, picnic areas, and hike and bike trails enhance this beloved neighborhood park. The intricate tile benching along the improved Lake Plaza, splash pad, and playground complement the park‟s improvements making Elmendorf Lake Park an attractive destination on the Westside of San Antonio. For more information on the Elmendorf Lake Park Improvements Project, please visit or contact Therese Kenner at (210) 302-3296 or ### The San Antonio River Authority (SARA) was created by the 45th Texas Legislature on May 5, 1937 and reorganized in 1961 to plan, manage and implement water-related programs and projects within the San Antonio River Watershed. The State of Texas empowered SARA to preserve, protect and manage the resources and the ecology of the San Antonio River and its tributaries. To learn more about the SARA, visit our website at

See the news announcement here!

Hicks & Company’s cultural resources staff contributed to the West Side Creek Restoration project in 2014. Cultural resources staff identified and inventoried cultural resources investigations in Bexar County, Texas. The Westside Creek Project is comprised of several individual initiatives of SARA and the City of San Antonio, including the restoration of portions of the Alazan, Apache, Martinez, and San Pedro Creeks, as well as the development of Elmendorf Lake Park. Services provided by Hicks & Company involved intensive areal survey and assessment of archeological resources and extant historic-age structures at the restoration sites, and various hike and bike trails. Archeological surveys consisted of background research; pedestrian survey supplemented by shovel testing and backhoe trenching; and an analysis of findings. Reconnaissance-level standing-structure surveys of these areas were conducted to document historic resources, following coordination with the Office of Historic Preservation in San Antonio and the THC. All historic-age structures within the selected APE were photographed and mapped during survey, and assessed for eligibility in the NRHP. The project led to several resources and districts being recommended for NRHP-listing.